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Your property should be inviting with all doors and window frames newly painted if necessary.
Your property should be inviting with all doors and window frames newly painted if necessary.

Tips to sell your home quickly

Selling a house can be a stressful process, especially if you are putting it on the market in January when people are more likely to be in festive debt. As nobody wants a house for sale that decays on the market, there are several things that every homeowner can (and should) do to make their property stand-out. Principal at Hermanus Property Sales Onrus/Sandbaai, Nerina Heyns suggests the following tips to sell your home quickly: 

Clean up the general appearance
Appearance is everything! If your home does not look appealing, then many potential buyers will not even query about a viewing. If you have a garden, it should be well maintained and attractive. All rooms need to be neat and tidy and presentable to potential buyers. They need to feel like they are already at home. Make sure that your braai areas are spick and span, and your pool sparkles.

Clear out your clutter
Clear out cluttered rooms and corners the moment you decide to put your home on the market. Clutter is messy and does not leave a good impression on potential buyers. Get rid of all of your unwanted items by having a yard sale or donate them to those that are less fortunate. Chances are that you will not be needing them in your new home if you have not used them in your current home. 

Fix broken stuff
While fixing up your home may sound like a daunting task it adds value to the property. A well preserved home becomes more attractive for potential buyers when they view your listed home for sale. The front of your property should also be inviting with all doors and window frames newly painted if necessary. It is advisable to repair anything that is broken especially the obvious eye catching ones like peeling paint, cracked windows, running toilets and dripping faucets, stains on the floors and carpets, broken lights, electrical switches to nowhere, and others. 

Do not hide the property's flaws
If your home has flaws that you cannot fix up in time it is highly advisable to let potential buyers know about them. This saves you both a lot of time and money in the long run and assists in selling your home quickly. Nobody wants to be sold a home and not know what further costs to expect. Also, alert potential buyers about extra levies and other maintenance costs that may be involved. 

Price your property accordingly
Homeowners tend to value their own property above the market value without any research. If you desire a quick sale, it is wise to be realistic. Take a look at other properties in your area as well as get the opinion of a reputable real estate agent. You need to be prepared to lower your expectations in order to obtain that quick sale you want. 

Make it memorable
When potential buyers come over for a viewing of the home they should feel welcomed and believe that this is the home for them. Change the atmosphere by playing neutral music like jazz low in the background. Scented-candles add calmness and beautiful aromas to just about any room. Provide cookies or other quick snacks for potential buyers to indulge in. Afterall who does not like free goodies. 

Finding the right real estate agent to partner with to sell your home is also a vital step and one that should not be taken lightly. Contact us at Hermanus Property Sales for the best advice and tips on how to sell your home quickly.

09 Jan 2019
Author Hermanus Property Sales
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